Government & Public Sector
Economic challenges, urbanisation, globalisation, global warming, climate change and security among other critical issues are some of the key challenges facing governments and public sector.
We help governments improve performance, meet policy and service delivery goals efficiently, and be accountable and responsive. We work with those responsible for setting and implementing government-wide policy: devolved governments, central governments, line ministries, government implementing agencies and parastatals.
What we offer
- Public financial management
- Public expenditure and financial accountability
- Public procurement advisory
- Policy research and analysis
- Public private partnerships
- Institutional assessments and capacity building
- Governance, policy advice and strategic planning
- Fiduciary risk management
- Governance transformation/performance
- Governance training programmes
- Privatisation
- Project audits and monitoring
- Financial management agency
We work with global PKF firms to offer solutions based on best international practices derived from assignments carried out in other parts of the world where PKF has successfully helped governments implement their reform agenda.
If you would like further information please contact David Kabeberi or click here to contact us.

Kenya Office (Nairobi Address)
Ababsy and Associate
Lornho House, 11th Floor, Suite 2
Constituency – CBD Ward
Tel: +254 728 432 712
Ababsy & Associates LLP had joined ALLIOTT GROUP International, a member of the "Forum of Firms".
FCPA, Dr., CPA Abdihafid A Yarow,PhDFounding Partner -
Ababsy & Associates's top priority is to offer excellent client service, and provide leadership to our community.
CPA, Abdinoor AbdowChief Excecutive Officer