+254 728 432 712
Victoria Towers, 4th Floor, Suite 2



The energy sector globally is in a constant state of change as consumption levels rise and climate change presents new challenges. Differences in tax legislation, rising costs associated with major projects and increasing environmental and safety requirements can present significant challenges to organisations seeking to grow existing operations and expand into new areas.

Across the network as a whole, we work with businesses worldwide to address the energy issues of today and anticipate those of tomorrow. Our team consists of highly skilled and experienced professional staff, led by that are well placed to provide our clients with an array of services which covers assurance, tax, risk management, deal advisory, strategy and portfolio management, cost excellence and an array of management consulting solutions.


Find out more:

Kenya Office (Nairobi Address)

Ababsy and Associate
Lornho House, 11th Floor, Suite 2
Constituency – CBD Ward

Website: www.ababsy.com
Tel: +254 728 432 712