FInancial & Insurance
The Kenyan financial institutions have come of age in the last decade. Buoyed by an open market and friendly policies the financial sector has thrived and continues to thrives. Kenya moved up 21 places to be ranked 92nd out of 190 countries in the in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business report, 2018. Unlike a decade ago where financial institutions operated much as they liked without adhering to bank Acts, the Central Bank has streamlined the sector and tighten the noose on rogue local and international financial institutions in recent years. As a result Kenya’s financial sector is currently among the most robust in the continent and the 4th fastest growing digital economy.

Ababsy & Associates LLP had joined ALLIOTT GROUP International, a member of the "Forum of Firms".
FCPA, Dr., CPA Abdihafid A Yarow,PhDFounding Partner
Our Services
The country’s financial sector has come of age and is able to adapt to technological changes in the market from embracing the revolutionary money transfer service, Mpesa rolling out online services to now offering video banking services. Kenya’s largest bank by assets, KCB Group, was named as the country’s 2018 Bank of the Year by London-based Financial Times. We work together to deliver meaningful results for our clients across Banking, Insurance and Asset Management & Private Equity through deep sector expertise and an unparalleled appreciation of the various issues and disruption facing them. With experience of supporting the financial services community in key financial hubs, across the network, we help organizations navigate complex reporting, governance and regulatory issues to achieve their business objectives.
Find out more:
Kenya Office (Nairobi Address)
Ababsy and Associate
Lornho House, 11th Floor, Suite 2
Constituency – CBD Ward
Tel: +254 728 432 712