Financial Management Services
At Ababsy & Associates, we understand how important taxation is, and we use our diverse range of specialist expertise to help solve our clients’ tax issues
Reviewing annual financial statements for tax issues during the course of the audit;
Provide clients with compliance assistance in meeting all Governmental regulations for income, Value Added Tax (VAT), payroll and excise taxes.
Reviewing in-house tax operations, which include income taxes, PAYE tax, withholding tax, VAT as well as Customs and Excise duties for purposes of ensuring compliance and establishing any possible tax planning opportunities
Tax planning, tax consultation to assist business decision-making and planning, providing answers to specific tax enquiries, preparing industry or company tax position papers, for example for lobbying purposes and tax due diligence investigations
Preparing income tax computations;
Advising on the tax position;
and submitting annual tax returns
Computing and advising on the annual income tax installment payments.
Representing clients in Revenue Authority tax audits and administrative hearings.
Assisting our clients in dealing with the Revenue Authority with regard to complicated and time-consuming issues that might arise from tax audits.
Helping our clients to comply with the local tax laws to keep abreast with all the changes therein.
Advising clients on their tax obligations, implications and best alternatives
Assisting our clients with tax planning to optimize their tax position
Negotiating and mediating for clients on all tax issues with the tax authorities.
Advising clients on tax efficient structuring of their businesses.
Handling estimated assessment objections and attending tax tribunal hearings
Keeping clients well informed of current tax developments and changes.
Filing of annual self-assessment tax returns for businesses and individuals
Securing registration for Sole proprietorships, PIN, PAYE, VAT, NSSF and NHIF.
Handling all general tax matters with Domestic Tax Department
Providing clients with regular updates on changes in tax law and their impact on business firms, non-business organizations, and individuals.

Kenya Office (Nairobi Address)
Ababsy and Associate
Lornho House, 11th Floor, Suite 2
Constituency – CBD Ward
Tel: +254 728 432 712
Ababsy & Associates LLP had joined ALLIOTT GROUP International, a member of the "Forum of Firms".
FCPA, Dr., CPA Abdihafid A Yarow,PhDFounding Partner -
Ababsy & Associates's top priority is to offer excellent client service, and provide leadership to our community.
CPA, Abdinoor AbdowChief Excecutive Officer