Business Advisory Services
Being a member of Alliott Group, Ababsy & Associates collectively work to ensure that the standards of their respective audit practices comply with the highest levels of quality.
The following are some of business advisory services we offer:

Kenya Office (Nairobi Address)
Ababsy and Associate LLP
Victoria Towers, 4th Floor, Suite 2
Constituency – Upperhil Ward
Nairobi , 8192-00200
Tel: +254 728 432 71
Ababsy & Associates LLP had joined ALLIOTT GROUP International, a member of the "Forum of Firms".
FCPA, Dr., CPA Abdihafid A Yarow,PhDFounding Partner -
Ababsy & Associates's top priority is to offer excellent client service, and provide leadership to our community.
CPA, Abdinoor AbdowChief Excecutive Officer